Puppy Diet Fact Sheet
The importance of feeding and exercise to give your Silvaregis puppy a long and happy life can not be over emphasised.
For the first few days in a new environment, your puppy may be stressed and not eat as well as it should.
- Offer food but do not worry unduly if your puppy does not eat like you expect it to.
- Make sure there is always plenty of water available.
- Have a dry and comfortable area for puppy to sleep when it wants to settle down by itself.
Resist the temptation to take your puppy out of the yard until he or she is fully vaccinated. Let your puppy get used to its surroundings first.
Your puppy’s food requirements vary depending on a number of factors including age, breed, sex and activity level. We feed and recommend ADVANCE™ Dry Food. The ADVANCE™ on-pack feeding information should be used as a guide only. The actual feeding amounts should be based on your puppy’s body condition, weight and level of activity.
½ cup of Advance Puppy Growth Biscuits
125 g raw mince
½ cup of Advance Puppy Growth Biscuits
½ cup of Advance Puppy Growth Biscuits
125 g raw mince
An egg yolk may be added to the diet 2-3 times a week if desired.
As your puppy gets older the number of meals can be reduced.
- 8 to 12 weeks: three meals a day as above
- 12 weeks to 12 months: breakfast and dinner only
- 12 months and over: one meal a day, i.e. breakfast OR dinner
Try not to vary the diet too much early on as, like human babies, dogs' stomachs may not tolerate change and they may develop loose stools.
We recommend:
- Fresh, raw meat to feed our dogs. Beef or chicken – good quality without too much fat.
- Brisket bones as she gets older for teeth cleanliness.
- Table scraps can be given as a substitute for raw meat in the diet.
- Supplement with grated cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt, mashed vegies or drained canned fish.
- Dogs are lactose intolerant. If you choose to add milk to its diet, use Goat’s Milk or Lactose Free Milk.
- Tinned food is not recommended other than in emergencies.
Body Condition
Underfed Puppy
Ribs are highly visible. Increase the amount you are feeding. After 2 or 3 weeks, compare again. Adjust until puppy exhibits ideal body condition.
Ideal Body Condition
Can feel and see outline of ribs. Puppy has a waist when viewed from above. Belly is tucked up when viewed from the side. Maintain current feeding regimen.
Overfed Puppy
Puppy has no waist when viewed from above. Belly is rounded when viewed from the side. Decrease amount you are feeding. After 2 or 3 weeks, compare again. Adjust as necessary.
Benefits of maintaining ideal body condition
- Promotes a longer, healthier life
- Reduces potential for developing weight-related health conditions
- Reduces a dog’s percentage of body fat for better health
- Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
- Helps maintain healthy blood pressure and heart rate
Fresh, clean water should be available at all times, both inside the house and outdoors. Heavy based ceramic or stainless steel vessels make good water bowls. Plastic ice-cream containers are handy but are lighter weight so can be tipped over or chewed and not recommended.
Your puppy was vaccinated at 8 weeks of age and the vaccination certificate is provided. The due date for the next vaccination is shown on the card. The card should be taken to the vet when the next vaccination is due. Make sure you are up to date with your worming schedule.